Market Reports

Are you looking for an in-depth and insightful Market Report on the Australian National Electricity Market?  We compile a monthly report with fancy charts, commentary and sophisticated analysis of the NEM.

Sep-24 Generation Report
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Sep-24 Generation Report

NEM capacity grew by 340MW in September. Strong winds and mild weather led to lower demand and extensive curtailment, depressing Generator-Weighted Average prices. Many farms increased reliance on Large-scale Generation Certificates for revenue. TAS transitioned from importer to net exporter to VIC.
12 min read
Sep-24 Spot Market Report
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Sep-24 Spot Market Report

The NEM Q3 average price finished the highest since the 2022 Energy Crisis despite extremely low September prices for VIC and TAS. In SA, volatile winds drove volatile spot prices, while mild days with high VRE crushed prices in VIC and TAS. Meanwhile, NSW and QLD had above average price levels.
14 min read
Sep-24 Financial Market Report
Market Report paid

Sep-24 Financial Market Report

Forward electricity contract prices went for a wild ride in Q3-24. Volatile weather played a significant part in driving price outcomes, with strong price rallies in July and August followed by softening prices in September, closing well below market expectations at the beginning of the quarter.
8 min read
Aug-24 Generation Report
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Aug-24 Generation Report

NEM capacity grew by 1,678MW in August. With temperatures rising, energy demand dipped, while consistent strong winds boosted supply, resulting in large curtailments and declined Generator-Weighted Average prices in most NEM regions. TAS still depended on VIC energy exports due to hydro shortage.
12 min read
Jul-24 Spot Market Report
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Jul-24 Spot Market Report

Electricity spot prices remained high across the NEM in July as very low temperatures drove strong demand. SA experienced extreme price volatility late in the month as cold temperatures coincided with very low wind generation. East Coast gas spot prices also remained high averaging above $13/GJ.
14 min read
Jul-24 Generation Report
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Jul-24 Generation Report

The NEM added 311MW of new generation capacity in July. Calm and cold weather conditions in SA, VIC, and TAS at the end of the month led to low wind output and market volatility. Gas generation increased to compensate. VIC exports to TAS reached record high levels for July.
13 min read
Jun-24 Spot Market Report
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Jun-24 Spot Market Report

Electricity and gas spot price volatility intensified in June. The portion of electricity spot prices around $300/MWh swelled pushing average monthly prices beyond $150/MWh. Average daily gas hub prices hit $28/GJ in Sydney and Melbourne after AEMO announced a gas supply risk for the coming months.
15 min read
May-24 Generation Report
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May-24 Generation Report

There were 861MW of new generation connections in May. Despite rising wind and solar Generator-Weighted-Average prices, most NEM regions continued to have large discounts to their Time-Weighted-Average prices. Additionally, most NEM regions reported lower wind and solar curtailment rates.
15 min read
May-24 Spot Market Report
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May-24 Spot Market Report

May was marked by extreme price volatility in NSW where the CPT was exceeded on 8 May triggering Administered Pricing, while low wind generation contributed to high average spot prices in the southern states despite lower demand levels. Gas spot prices soared averaging above $13/GJ for all regions.
16 min read
Apr-24 Generation Report
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Apr-24 Generation Report

The NEM continues to wait for the first new generation connection for 2024, marking the longest stretch with no new connections since 2018. Wind and solar generators performance fell in April with larger discounts to the spot price. In brighter news, wind and solar curtailment continues to fall.
12 min read
Apr-24 Spot Market Report
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Apr-24 Spot Market Report

Spot prices strengthened in April with a very high portion of price outcomes between $100 to $300/MWh pushing the NEM average April price to $85/MWh compared to $75/MWh for Q1-24. Forward prices significantly rallied during the month. Gas spot prices also strengthened but averaged just below $12/GJ.
14 min read
Mar-24 Generation Report
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Mar-24 Generation Report

Q1-24 marked the first time in six years that the NEM had no new generation connections. March also saw lower generation and GWA prices for wind and solar farms across most NEM regions, except for SA. Curtailment of VRE was in seasonal decline but remained high for March in SA and VIC.
11 min read
Mar-24 Financial Market Report
Market Report paid

Mar-24 Financial Market Report

The electricity forward market rallied in the southern states as news of potential gas shortages for Victoria circled in the media. Q1-25 traded most heavily during the quarter, especially for QLD which remains stubbornly high despite the return of Callide C3 and the expected return of C4 this July.
6 min read
Mar-24 Spot Market Report
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Mar-24 Spot Market Report

March was the least eventful month for Q1-24, with lower spot prices for most of the month apart from a Labor Day long weekend heatwave for VIC and SA, and some oppressive humidity hitting QLD later in the month. Both occasions coincided with low levels of VRE resulting in high price volatility.
15 min read
Jan-24 Generation Report
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Jan-24 Generation Report

For the first time in years, VIC wind farms generated at a premium to the spot price while SA wind farms were very close to generating at a premium due to very low spot prices. The news of the early closure of Snuggery and Port Lincoln Power Stations was also a notable development in January.
10 min read
Jan-24 Spot Market Report
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Jan-24 Spot Market Report

Hot and muggy weather in the north and mild weather in the south made for two very different stories in the electricity spot market during January. In the north, QLD recorded its second highest January average spot price while down south, Victoria had record low levels around $22/MWh.
11 min read
Jan-24 Financial Market Report
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Jan-24 Financial Market Report

Record demand and extreme prices in January drove up the QLD forward market and to a lesser degree NSW, while down south in VIC and SA, a weak summer has driven forward prices towards the floor. The market has since decided these high prices cannot be sustained and forward prices have nosedived.
5 min read
Nov-23 Generation Report
Market Report paid

Nov-23 Generation Report

448MW of new generation capacity in November pushed the total for 2023 higher than recent years, in a record year for battery storage totalling 847MW. The weighted premium for solar generation improved as daytime prices climbed. This month we also take a look at battery performance across the NEM.
8 min read
Nov-23 Spot Market Report
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Nov-23 Spot Market Report

Electricity spot prices rose in November, as lower levels of VRE generation was replaced by gas-powered generation, although the increase in GPG did not prevent gas spot prices from softening from around $12/GJ to $9/GJ. Highlights from energy market news feature significant updates for the market.
11 min read
Oct-23 Spot Market Report
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Oct-23 Spot Market Report

Could this be the calm before the storm? Low demand and high renewable generation crushed electricity spot prices during October, but how long can it last? El Niño continues to threaten a hot and dry summer with AEMO's Summer Outlook painting the picture of a market on a knife's edge.
15 min read
Sep-23 Spot Market Report
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Sep-23 Spot Market Report

Our Monthly Report continues with Spot Market prices where a mild September and high VRE generation brought softening electricity prices, while gas spot prices have fallen to pre-2022 price levels due to soft demand, high production and storage levels, price caps and softer international prices.
17 min read
Sep-23 Financial Market Report
Market Report paid

Sep-23 Financial Market Report

Continuing low spot prices impacted forward expectations despite the warnings of bushfires, a hot summer and possible shortages. Last October the forward market peaked, but this October is set for a downhill run as Spring conditions of plenty of wind and increasing sunshine prevail.
6 min read
Aug-23 Energy Market Report
Market Report paid

Aug-23 Energy Market Report

The electricity market bucked the trend in August with stronger spot prices and bullish activity in the electricity forward market. Revised ESOO reliability outlooks have seized the market's attention and turned attention to generator and State Government negotiations around retirement dates.
31 min read
Jun-23 Energy Market Report
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Jun-23 Energy Market Report

The spot prices for the financial year were the highest on record for NSW, VIC, SA and TAS, and the second highest for QLD. The June month set a new record for wind generation, pushing spot prices down and exceeding Brown Coal generation. Read on for further detail.
25 min read
Market Rules and the Numbers
Market paid

Market Rules and the Numbers

Carl Daley
Carl Daley
The rules are the rules, but prevailing numbers can move around driven by changes in perceptions. What an ending to the financial year. This article reflects on the rules learnt and then makes observations of the last two quarters in the context of the changing market conditions.
5 min read
Jun-23 Energy News Bytes
Market Report paid

Jun-23 Energy News Bytes

The first News Byte for the month is a positive outlook from AEMO's 2023 Winter Readiness Report forecasting a less severe winter with lower risks compared to 2022. Developments in the renewables and storage space also features significantly in this month's news.
7 min read
May-23 Energy Market Report
Market Report paid

May-23 Energy Market Report

May-23 was a story of increases across the energy market. Electricity spot prices were the highest year-to-date for all mainland NEM regions, forward electricity contract prices rallied across the NEM, and ancillary services costs for May were the highest year-to-date.
24 min read
May-23 Energy News Bytes
Market Report paid

May-23 Energy News Bytes

Energy market news for May features a variety of important developments and announcements across the energy market. Most noteworthy were the AER's final determination for the 2023-24 Default Market Offer, and a number of significant developments in the renewables sector.
7 min read
Apr-23 Energy  News Bytes
Market Report paid

Apr-23 Energy News Bytes

Monthly energy market news for April covers a wide range of topics including LNG exports, the closure of Liddell Power Station, utility battery storage developments, and other news in the renewables space including significant updates on the growing wave of offshore wind projects.
6 min read
Mar-23 Energy News Bytes
Market Report paid

Mar-23 Energy News Bytes

Energy market news over the past month featured a number of important updates in the wholesale gas market with implications for the National Electricity Market in the short and medium term.
7 min read
Feb-23 Energy Market Report
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Feb-23 Energy Market Report

February was a relatively quiet and uneventful month in the energy market despite prices being tested by seasonably high demand in Vic and SA. Wholesale electricity and gas spot prices remained subdued, while the electricity forward market and the LGC market continued to soften.
22 min read
Nov-22 Energy Market Report
Market Report paid

Nov-22 Energy Market Report

November was another busy month in the energy markets. Energy news and announcements were very prevalent in the media, many of which were covered in our busy November edition of Energy Market Bytes with some of the highlights included in the Market Report below.
26 min read
Oct-22 Energy Market Report
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Oct-22 Energy Market Report

Structural market changes were announced by Federal and State Governments. More prominent Government ownership and the acceleration of expanded transmission all featured. Forward market prices were extremely volatile during the month but appear to have peaked.
24 min read
Apr-22 Energy Market Report
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Apr-22 Energy Market Report

The Australian east coast energy market has reached an important juncture as the market grapples with the renewable transition and absorbs the global impact of rising energy prices. Origin Energy's CEO Frank Calibri prediction that, “It's going to get messy”, has arrived.
23 min read
Mar-22 Energy Market Report
Market Report paid

Mar-22 Energy Market Report

The month of March has been another significant month as Australia has not been immune from the global upward energy price pressures, by experiencing an unparalleled surge in energy costs for the forthcoming Australian winter, which has flowed through to forward prices for the next few years.
23 min read
Feb-22 Energy Market Report
Market Report paid

Feb-22 Energy Market Report

February 2022 delivered much stronger electricity spot price outcomes and despite global pressures, steady gas spot prices. Next winter forward electricity prices surged and longer dated forward prices rallied driven by recent trends, the Russian invasion, and early power station retirements.
22 min read
Feb-22 Energy Market News
Market Report paid

Feb-22 Energy Market News

February news was dominated by AGL and Origin Energy, although Andrew Forrest continues to push hydrogen opportunities. Power plant closures are brought forward while Brookfield with Cannon-Brookes make a move on AGL.
11 min read
Jan-22 Energy Market Report
Market Report paid

Jan-22 Energy Market Report

January 2022 delivered higher electricity and environmental certificate price outcomes in the NEM, while gas remained immune from the upward global LNG price pressure. An usual high level of baseload outages occurred in NSW, and wetter conditions filled the hydro power water storages.
10 min read
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