The rollercoaster continued during September with skyrocketing gas prices, a rally in LGC prices, and record levels of negative price periods sending wholesale electricity spot prices plummeting.
Sep-21 Energy Market Report
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Sep-24 Spot Market Report
The NEM Q3 average price finished the highest since the 2022 Energy Crisis despite extremely low September prices for VIC and TAS. In SA, volatile winds drove volatile spot prices, while mild days with high VRE crushed prices in VIC and TAS. Meanwhile, NSW and QLD had above average price levels.
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Sep-24 Financial Market Report
Forward electricity contract prices went for a wild ride in Q3-24. Volatile weather played a significant part in driving price outcomes, with strong price rallies in July and August followed by softening prices in September, closing well below market expectations at the beginning of the quarter.
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Aug-24 Generation Report
NEM capacity grew by 1,678MW in August. With temperatures rising, energy demand dipped, while consistent strong winds boosted supply, resulting in large curtailments and declined Generator-Weighted Average prices in most NEM regions. TAS still depended on VIC energy exports due to hydro shortage.
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